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In the Tresure SeedK game, players take on the role of a bunny food scientist on a mission to collect food seeds to save the world from food extinction. The game is set in a fancy post-apocalyptic cartoon world where food scarcity is the norm, and players must navigate through various environments to find the rarest and most valuable food seeds.


The game starts with a tutorial on how to use a barcode scanner to scan food items. Players are then introduced to the game's main objective - to collect as many food seeds as possible before time runs out. The game has five level worlds, each with its unique challenges and rewards.


In the first level, players must navigate through a deserted supermarket, scanning food items to identify those that contain food seeds. The catch is that not all food items contain seeds, so players must be strategic in their scanning to avoid wasting time. The collected seeds can be used to unlock new levels and buy power-ups that can help players in their quest.


As players progress through the game, they encounter various obstacles, such as locked doors, security guards, and hostile scavengers. They must use their wits and quick reflexes to overcome these challenges and continue their search for food seeds. In some levels, players must also solve puzzles to unlock hidden areas and find the most valuable seeds.


The game's graphics and sound effects are designed to create a fun-to-play environments and lovely music that adds to the sense of anime style. The game also has a multi-player mode, where players can compete against each other to see who can collect the most food seeds.


Overall, the Tresure SeedK Game is an exciting and educational game that teaches players about the importance of food preservation and the impact of food scarcity on society. It's a game that challenges players to think strategically and act quickly, all while having fun on a quest to save the world from food extinction.


Tresure SeedK ゲームでは、プレイヤーはウサギの食品科学者の役割を担い、食品の種を集めて世界を食品の絶滅から救うという使命を帯びています。このゲームは、食料不足が当たり前の世界終末論的な風変わりな漫画の世界に設定されており、プレイヤーはさまざまな環境をナビゲートして、最も希少で最も価値のある食料の種を見つける必要があります。


ゲームは、バーコード スキャナーを使用して食品をスキャンする方法に関するチュートリアルから始まります。その後、プレイヤーはゲームの主な目的、つまり時間切れになる前にできるだけ多くの食物の種を集めることを紹介されます。ゲームには 5 つのレベルの世界があり、それぞれに独自の課題と報酬があります。






ゲームのグラフィックスと効果音は、楽しくプレイできる環境と、アニメ スタイルのセンスを加える素敵な音楽を作成するように設計されています。このゲームにはマルチプレイヤーモードもあり、プレイヤーは互いに競争して、誰がより多くの食物の種を集めることができるかを確認できます。


全体として、Tresure SeedK Game は、食料保存の重要性と食料不足が社会に与える影響についてプレーヤーに教える刺激的で教育的なゲームです。これは、食料の絶滅から世界を救うための探求を楽しみながら、戦略的に考えて迅速に行動することをプレイヤーに要求するゲームです。

2021-22-G1 - Treasure SeedK


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